Un cuento para imaginar.
Imaginar un mundo mejor.
Imaginar paz, amor y justicia en cada rincón del planeta.
Imaginar para creer que los sueños se pueden hacer realidad.

Texto: Jose Paniagua | http://josepaniagua.com
Música: Daniel Moreno
Vídeo:  @Johanna Rafalski | https://johannarafalski.com
Traducción: Kiley Haller

Imagine a world without borders, without flags or homelands, in which being from one place or another would only be a mere anecdote, a simple whim, an amusing coincidence.

Imagine only wars… pillow wars generating laughter, hugs and kisses. Battles of fascinating illusions and adventures to live.

Imagine that envies were forgotten memories and that hatreds, if they existed, died at birth.

Imagine sunrises and sunsets enchanting and enchanted with life and magic kissing each other eternally.

Imagine love everywhere without fissures, frustrations or fears that would block the will to live and feel.

Imagine human beings loving trees, plants and flowers. Lovers of the green hopefulness that exhales the future and prosperity.

Imagine rivers, seas and oceans pure and transparent inhabited by mysterious beings and incredible secrets.

Imagine that hunger was then only a bad dream and that a soft, sparkling breeze fed just by smelling it.

Imagine that once you have read this, all of the above has come true and, as if by magic, you have stopped imagining.
